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FwB is in the process of developing province-wide caucuses.  The groups will work to help mobilize volunteers, get more fundraising events established, and promote awareness of this great charity! Currently, we have caucuses established in Newdoundland and Labrador, Alberta, and Ontario! In addition to caucuses, we're also looking to develop Chapters within Universities and Colleges.

Newfoundland and Labrador

The NL caucus was the first one formed, yet continues to be one of the most enthusiastic and energetic groups! This Caucus/Section hosts plenty of fundraising events each year, with one of their most successful, and most lucrative, being their annual silent auction! The group has been integral in establishing and coordinating our current project in Nepal: Environmental Schools in Nepal!


Thanks to some passionate, like-minded folks in the Canadian Institute of Forestry’s Rocky Mountain Section, this group formed to build on FwB’s mission. This group is actively looking to identify projects that may be of interest to the Rocky Mountain Section members and either fund a current one, or look to establish a new project area. With a variety of members with exceptional international experience, this group will undoubtedly be valuable!


While it’s the largest province, and the most populated, people tend to be widely dispersed. At this time, the goal of this caucus is determine where folks are located, attempt to get representation from each CIF section in Ontario, determine how fundraisers can be developed and to try to get Universities and Colleges actively involved!

British Columbia

The BC caucus was recently formed in May 2014.  The caucus is currently looking for willing participants to help raise the profile of FwB-FsF and develop innovative fund-raising techniques on the west coast.

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